12 June 2010

Family Time

You know, sometimes the plans we make, might not always go as planned. This evening I planed to have dinner with my dad and then attend the local stock car races. We both love and enjoy watching auto racing and I might call it the local track, but it’s actually a one hour drive from home. We drive up and share a splendid meal at a restaurant in the area and then head out to the track only to find that they have canceled the races due to bad weather conditions. It was in fact sunny and pleasant when we arrived. However, it meant that we just return home. Things did not happen the way we planned but it couldn’t have been better. During the hour drive back we shared some great conversation about family, auto racing and many other topics that came to our minds.
In my early years, my dad was much too busy trying to make a living and tying to feed a family and provide the necessary things for his wife and three children. There was no time for father/son bonding. I would have loved to have known my father then. With that said, I don’t look back. I can not change the past or predict the future. All I have is “right now”. I plan to make the most of “right now”. I deeply cherish time spent with my dad. Tonight was no exception. We shared laughter and sadness which brought us even closer together. I am who I am because of my dad and my mom. Think about that when you are raising your own children.

08 June 2010

Birds aren't Fat!

Sitting on the screened porch observing the birds eat from the bird feeder, the squirrels trying to pilfer from the feeder, the blue birds and blue jays eating bugs or worms from the earth, something occurred to me. There are no fat animals in the world. Animals don’t overeat the way we humans do. They eat for continued existence whereas we eat for contentment. What if we had to eat for survival instead? Just think how much thinner we would be and how much healthier we would be. Just think of how much food we would save and how much of an environmental impact it would have if we ate instinctively. We owe it to our planet to eat or consume less food. I encourage you all to not only eat less but cut back in all areas of your life. Use less food, less gas, less driving, less paper, less water, less hate……..more love and peace!

05 June 2010

Burn Baby Burn!

Can one ever truthfully acclimate to heat? I’ve lived here in the south all my life. Still, I can not get used to good ole’ southern heat and humidity. I’ve run in it for the past 26 years and still don’t like it. And believe me; no matter how naked you get in the south, it’s still hot as blazes.
This morning was a classic case in point. I ran a trail 10k this morning in one of the neighboring counties. It was a beautiful course around the reservoir but it started at 9:00 A.M……..bad idea! It was already 75 degrees by 8:00 A.M. and the temperature was climbing.
I was completely saturated when I finished. I looked like a slice of bread left in the rain overnight! Not an appealing sight. However, it was a fine day with numerous friends and training partners and everyone in our group came home with age group awards. Sweet!